Route 66 Air
Our Story

Hey hey, we are Route 66 Air.

We bring you joy and excitement…

…with free rides and fly-overs!

If you would like a free ride, please let us know.

Support donations will be converted to store credit for your use at a later date of your choosing.

Flying offers a unique perspective on the world, giving us a chance to appreciate the beauty of the earth from above.

Flying allows us to connect with people and places that would otherwise be out of reach, broadening our horizons and expanding our understanding of the world.

The excitement and anticipation of taking off and landing can be incredibly invigorating, boosting our mood and energy levels.

Flying offers a sense of freedom and independence, allowing us to explore new places and pursue new experiences.

The thrill of flying can also be a great stress reliever, helping us to forget our worries and anxieties.

Flying can be a shared experience, creating memories and bonding with loved ones.

Flying offers an escape from the monotony of everyday life, providing a chance to break free from routine and try something new.

For some, flying is a personal accomplishment and a source of confidence, boosting self-confidence and self-esteem.

Flying can also be a source of inspiration, sparking creativity and new ideas.

Flying can be a reminder of the wonders of technology and human achievement, filling us with a sense of awe and wonder.

For those with a sense of adventure, flying can be a gateway to exploring new environments and ways of life.

Finally, flying can simply be a fun and exciting experience, providing a much-needed dose of joy and excitement in our lives.

Thank you, again for all of your support.

-The Kind family